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Your Stories
Senior Woman
"Everything good in my parents’ lives came from the Catholic Church….that’s why they started a family trust, leaving much of their estate to the Legion…to give back what they had been given.” 
“ I've always cherished the priests and seminarians of the Legion of Christ.  We need more of them!  I purchased a charitable gift annuity many years ago, and I believe it to be a good investment in their future...and mine!” 
"The Legionaries instilled in me that no one should be outside of being able to receive God's love, being able to have Jesus as their best friend, being able to live their faith in a strong, convicted way. That's where my [ gift of ___ ] is headed."
“Regnum Christ and the support of the Legionary priests and the consecrated women all help me to be the best Catholic I can, the best person I can, making me the best version of myself."
Happy Senior Couple
Senior Couple
Senior Basketball Team
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